Some days back a regular reader of our Jobs and Careers blog sent in a question which needed urgent answers according to him. He had submitted countless applications to various organizations but was yet to be invited to a single job interview. he wanted to know the possible reasons and advice on how to overcome this challenge.
This, obviously is a wide spread problem facing job seekers. The volume of job applications coming to the in-box or desk of the average recruiting firm is so much that most of them have devised means of sieving and flushing out 90% of these applications thus leaving them with a few applications to consider.
Based on research and experience we have distilled a list of reasons that make recruiting companies select a few CVs and reject others. Note that getting a job interview is tied to your CV and cover letter. These two serve as your representative and if you have always failed to get called for interviews the problem then lies first and foremost in your CV.
Why Some Applicants Get Called for Interviews While Others Don’t
1. Poorly Packaged and Outdated CVs: An experienced recruiter will with one look at a CV determine if it is current or not. You should never submit the same CV you used last year for a job application. You must have garnered some experience which you ought to reflect in your new CV. Another reason to have an updated CV is the fact that it opens your eyes the more to your suitability or otherwise for the job. Whether you are working already or still a job seeker your CV is your personal advert page and you ought to get it updated regularly.
2. Wrong and Unfocused Application: When we once needed to hire a front desk officer and placed the vacancy we got a deluge of applications from applicants who were not in the least qualified to hold the position. That simply got their applications deleted quickly. We always advocate focus in job search. Don’t attempt to apply to all jobs. Focus on the career path you want to pursue, search and apply for only those vacancies relevant to your career.
3. Failing to Follow Instructions: Funny enough when a job vacancy stipulated females only we got plenty of applications from male applicants. Not going through the requirements and directives given in a job vacancy will paint you as a careless person and will definitely ensure your CV ends up in the waste bin. If a job requires residency in a particular location other than yours you need not apply. If you do not have the qualifications specified don’t bother applying. These are things most people overlook and end up making tens of applications without positive results.
4. Sending Your CV Through the Wrong Channels: Especially for competitive jobs you will have an edge over other contenders if you send in your application through influential persons or insiders in the recruiting organization. This means that in the Labour market personality matters. Certain applications get considered based on the route or through whose hands they are made. If you are going to apply for a competitive or high salary job you will increase your chances of getting called if you can get in your application through an insider or an influential individual in the organization.
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